rss-atom-bundle 2.2.0 has just been released. It brings the following :
- exceptions are all under the same namespace
- ability to write enclosures
- cache-control can be set to private if you need to disable caching from proxies
This version breaks backward compatibility, the upgrade process from 1.x is described in this notice.
Why a 2.x version ?
Two weeks ago, Soullivaneuh and Romaric Drigon created 7 pull requests in less than 48 hours bringing new features, code cleaning and a better exception handling. Before that, I merged a pull request fixing Symfony 3 compatibility. Although I announced at the beginning of the year that FeedIoBundle will be the next rss-atom-bundle and scheduled its end of life to match the 2.x branch of Symfony, things turned differently. Some developers are still using rss-atom-bundle and they submitted pull requests to make it last longer than scheduled. I respect that and it makes me realize rss-atom-bundle is not under my sole control anymore, which is exciting.
As a consequence, rss-atom-bundle will be maintained to be compatible with both 2.x and 3.x branches of Symfony. The next version will feature a new RoutedItemOutInterface as specified in this issue, however its release date is still unknown.